South Crescent safety under threat - four things you can do!
Bicycle riders on South Crescent, Northcote
On Tuesday 28 January 2025, Darebin Council will (again) vote on street safety in South Crescent. Can you spare 5 minutes to show your support for the plan to make South Crescent safer?
Scroll down to the tips section below.
Discussions about safety on South Crescent in Northcote have been like a game of ping-pong since 2020. We wrote a detailed history about it in our blog in January 2024. Since then, Darebin Council voted to install a modal filter/vehicle barrier to make South Crescent a safer for cyclists and pedestrians.
The filter/barrier would stop cars driving through the most congested section of South Crescent, while allowing bicycles and scooters through. South Crescent safety was the most popular issue in Council’s survey on transport in Northcote and Alphington in 2023.
Preparations to install the filter are now well underway, according to the Officers' report for the 28 January Council meeting. But a December vote indicated that Labor and Independent Councillors (who hold a majority) are questioning whether to proceed. The data speaks loud and clear - that people support improvements to increase safety for people cycling on South Crescent.
During the 2020 pop-up separated bike lane trial, Council recorded 717 bikes and 1150 vehicles using South Crescent per day in February 2021, making this street a much-loved route for students going to Westgarth Primary and Northcote High schools, commuters on their way towards the city.
Overall, there was a 22% increase in the number of people riding bikes along South Crescent. The report also noted an increase of 69% of ‘young people’, and surveys indicated that people who described themselves as ‘cautious’ bike riders were more likely to use the new bike lane.
These numbers show that when safe cycling infrastructure is provided, more people use it - for travelling to school, work, and just to get around. This is why we've been campaigning to support this modal filter.
For the past year, Labor Councillors have been playing politics with our cycling safety. If Council backtracks on the June 2024 decision to proceed with the modal filter, they will be ignoring evidence from the community, a majority of whom support the filter.
Labor Councillors claim that the community survey results were ‘stacked’ by Greens party supporters. We need to show that Darebin residents deeply support cycling safety improvements and want the modal filter to go ahead.
Here is how you can show your support in only 5 minutes:
1. Contact your Councillors and tell them that South Crescent is an important walking and cycling route and that you want what Council promised to do unanimously last year: better safety for kids riding to Westgarth Primary and Northcote High School. Councillors contact details below.
Some things you could include:
That South Crescent is popular with cyclists and walkers alike. It's a key cycling route to the city, Northcote High and Westgarth Primary, as well as to Fairfield and Alphington. Lots of people walk their dogs or meet friends for a walk too. It could be a really pleasant and safe place in the heart of our community.
Cycling is not only a sustainable mode of transport but also a healthy lifestyle choice. Yet without proper infrastructure and safety measures in place, it can become a risk rather than a benefit.
The current design of South Crescent is, a safety hazard, with lots near misses for riders by cars speeding past too close
You support the option to install the modal filter on South Crescent AND explore safety options for Victoria Road AND explore what grants are available to improve safety around Thornbury High School. Safety for Thornbury High School families does not have to come at the expense of safety for Westgarth Primary and Northcote High School families.
2. Ask a question during public question time. You could ask:
Why is Council considering not proceeding with the South Crescent modal filter?
What action is Council taking to make sure that children riding to schools in Northcote can get there safely?
How is Council investing strategic cycling corridors?
3. Make a submission at the Council meeting. You can register to speak for 2 minutes (hybrid options available). Personal stories are the most compelling, such as:
why you love cycling in Darebin
why South Crescent is an important part of your route
why it's important for children to be able to ride to school
why Council needs to support people to choose to ride
4. Share the petition with your friends on social media.
Councilor contact details:
Cr Kristine Olaris OAM (Mayor) – Central Ward, Mobile: 0427 450 751
Cr Emily Dimitriadis (Deputy Mayor) – South East Ward, Mobile: 0437 918 708
Cr Matt Arturi – North East Ward, Mobile: 0417 294 158
Cr Connie Boglis OAM – West Ward. Mobile: 0427 938 376
Cr Gaetano Greco - North West Ward, Mobile: 0419 750 214
Cr Ruth Jelley – South Central Ward, Mobile: 0459 949 340
Cr Julie O'Brien – South Ward, Mobile: 0459 406 253
Email: Julie.O'
Cr Alexandra Sangster – South West Ward, Mobile: 0467 838 844
Cr Vasilios Tsalkos – North Central Ward, Mobile: 0461 389 079
5 minutes of your time today could make the difference.
Your Street Your Say Group C Consultation Open
Your Street, Your Say Group C now open to December 20th
Share your feedback and ideas about walking, cycling, scooting, driving and playing in Darebin - click on the link below and then click on the interactive map marking the spots for improvement. We suggest that you highlight intersections or places where a modal filter might help to manage aggressive traffic and mark-up pedestrian crossing points that need attention.
Group C covers Northcote West, Reservoir East and Preston East areas.
Streets Alive Darebin: Submission to Your Street Your Say Group C consultation (December 2024)
In response to the Your Street Your Say Group C consultation
Key themes
Accessible tram stops - Tyler Street Tram Stop Route 86. Given the Victorian Government’s commitment to designing new Route 86 accessible Tram Stops in Northcote and Thornbury - there is the opportunity to seek a further commitment to continuing these upgrades along Route 86 to encompass the reinstatement of the Tyler Street accessible Tram Stop. Separate bike lanes could be incorporated into the tram stop design and provide a safety buffer between parked cars and bicycle lane users, preventing cyclist deaths from dangerous "dooring" crashes.
Leveraging funding from the Victorian Government
Darebin Council can’t expect the Victorian Government to invest in active transport if it does not have a program of investment in key cycling routes itself. By abandoning its Streets for People plan that identified 8 designated sustainable transport corridors that traverse the municipality and its grid network (2 north-south aligned corridors and 6 aligned east-west corridors) and approaching this issue through the fragmented geographic approach characterised by the phasing of the Your Street Your Say areas Council is unable to offer any strategic investment plan or advocacy vision to Victorian Government.
How is Darebin intending to effectively advocate to the Victorian Government if it has no strategic corridor commitment in this space in order to leverage State action and/or funding? We note that the following streets are listed as key routes in the Strategic Cycling Corridor (SCC) that are included in Group C:
● Westgarth Street/ South Crescent
● Cramer/Gower Street
● Edwardes/ Broadway
What are Council’s plans to upgrade these routes to ensure safer cycling infrastructure?
Wider footpaths: How will footpaths be considered in this consultation? What alignment will there be with footpath upgrades and opportunities for re-planting?
Street trees provide shade, increase biodiversity and reduce on-street temperatures on hot days. What is the budget allocation for footpath upgrades and streetscaping that align with the Your Street Your Say Groups?
Intersection safety: Intersections across Group C urgently need safety upgrades to prevent crashes and pedestrian deaths. How is Council prioritising spending on pedestrian crossings? – what are the worst intersections in Group C? and how is Council addressing safety at these? Council needs to be working with DTP to improve pedestrian safety – particular at intersections and crossing point near schools and shops.
Specific comments on Your Street Your Say Group C
1. Northcote West: Rat running along the bike shimmy along the trainline. During morning & evening peak there is a lot of traffic along the western side of the railway line - Park St & Hartington St. Vehicles are racing to beat traffic on High St or St George’s Rd, and they also flow up into Latham St & Railway Pde north of Separation, which is outside the study area. We suggest either/or a modal filter at Park St & Westbourne Grove and/or right-turn bans.
2. St Georges Rd bike path - close the crossovers for the safety of path users.
3. Give right of way to cyclists & pedestrians across Merri Pde near Rucker St where the bike path ends
4. Merri Pde traffic frequently causes bus delays for route 506. What are the options to support public transport?
5. Make cyclists exempt from one-way traffic interventions around Northcote primary school, especially Hawthorn Rd. Make it easier for people to ride from the shimmy to the shops without having to use Arthurton Rd. (Or put in a separated bike lane on High St so people feel safer riding along High St).
6. Westgarth Street requires a separated Bike Lane - as only the most bold of cyclists would rise along this Strategic Cycling Corridor.
Preston East
7. Tyler Street Tram Stop - reinstate
8. Cramer/Gower Street - Cramer/Gower Street is a Strategic Cycling Corridor and one of the few safer East-West cycling routes in Preston. It is a key corridor linking the Merri Creek bike path, St George’s Rd bike path, Preston rail corridor bike path, and the Darebin Creek bike path. This route needs adequate separated cycling infrastructure to support this, so that parents can safely escort their children to childcare, kindergarten or school and so that students at Preston High School have a safe route to school.
9. Gower Street - The 40km/hr signs are ignored. This road needs to be redesigned to encourage slower speeds. This is especially the case outside Preston High School, which should have a school zone and pedestrian crossings. How is Council working with the High School to support active travel?
10. 86 Tram Stops - Tram stops along Plenty Rd in Preston should be accessible. Council should advocate to the Victorian Government for the full length of the 86 tram line to be accessible beyond the initial designs for the tram stops in Northcote/Thornbury.
Reservoir East
11. Tyler street is another East-West corridor that links several North-South bike paths and needs separated cycling infrastructure along its length. This is especially true in the North East Preston/East Reservoir area as there are several Schools and Kinders in this section. Traffic calming measures and a separated bike lane to protect both cyclists and pedestrians is needed.
12. Better active transport links are needed to Reservoir East Primary School as the parking and traffic around the school limits neighbourhood amenity for residents and more car traffic around a school promotes further car use.
Restricting turns into Yarra Avenue and a crossing light across Bolderwood Parade is needed here.
13. Darebin Creek Bike Path at Plenty Rd- The bike path crossing for Plenty Rd is not continuous and forces cyclists to ride on the footpath in order to cross the creek. This path crossing needs an upgrade.
14. Albert Street - Further pedestrian crossings are needed across Albert Street between Plenty Road and Tyler Street. The lack of signalised crossings severely disconnects these neighbourhoods and forces pedestrians to walk nearly 1km in order to cross.
We would be happy to discuss any aspect of our submission with Council officers and look forward to hearing from Council on what the next steps will be to action these requests.
Streets Alive Darebin
Critical Mass North returns!
💞Critical Mass North💞
1️⃣ Meet 5.30pm, Friday 25 October 2024, State Library, Swanston Street, CBD
2️⃣ Pick up point: Carlton Gardens corner @ Nicholson and Gertrude Street
3️⃣ Heading due north & dress for seasonal conditions🕸️💀🕸️
4️⃣ Ride together, stay safe: read about corking + massing up
5️⃣ Running late? Download Critical Maps to find us on the day
6️⃣ Bring your on-bike sound systems for our Spotify playlist: Critical Mass North 25 Oct 2024
7️⃣ Speakers: Sally Moxham MC, Ruth Jelley, Dr Molly Hoak, Tony Morton
8️⃣ Organised by Streets Alive Darebin, Streets Alive Yarra, Yarra Bicycle Users Group
9️⃣ Have fun with all your new friends: here’s a CM October 2024 poster you can download or print
🔟 Bookmark for future rides
Sally Moxham and Dr Molly Hoak are Streets Alive Darebin members.
Dr Molly Hoak is a local parent and pram user very affected by inaccessible tram stops and a lack of safe spaces for children.
Ruth Jelley is a workers’ rights activist, a renter, campaigner for women’s rights, founder of Streets Alive Darebin and a Greens candidate for Darebin City Council.
Tony Morton is President of the Public Transport Users Association and a lifetime resident of Melbourne campaigning for sustainable transport and against car dependence. He was a participant in the first Melbourne Critical Mass rides in 1995 and has been involved in campaigns from the push for Rowville Rail in the 2000s to stopping the East West Link in 2014.
Why Are We Riding to High Street Northcote?
High Street is one of the biggest local issues that Streets Alive Darebin hears from people about. It is a source of constant complaints about near misses and crashes with drivers and it’s inaccessibility to locals who travel by bike.
High Street is surrounded by people, especially families, who use bicycles as part of their everyday trips.
Local schools have very high active travel rates and yet it is rare to see these people, families especially, shopping or visiting High Street.
Shopping strips like High Street rely overwhelmingly on locals for business, and this is reflected in how people currently get to High Street.
High Street has parking behind the shops in Northcote, and opposite The Croxton Hotel and across from Psarakos as well as in and around the shops aside from on High Street itself
Safe separate bike lanes are needed along High Street Northcote
At the moment there are Victorian Government clearways during the morning and afternoon peak along High Street that make it a thorough fair and dangerous for cyclists and pedestrians
Given the decline in in store shopping the works on designs for the accessible trams stops there is a opportunity to future proof High Street and ensure cyclists safety
This report: Good-for-business.pdf ( case studies in making streets more walking and cycling friendly. These examples have shown that safer and friendlier street environments:
Increase retail rental values.
Significantly increase pedestrian and cyclist activity.
Generate more business and stimulate the local economy.
Revitalise 'drive-through' districts into lively places that people want to visit.
Encourage people to spend time outside of their homes.
Reduce noise levels.
Streets People Love
Streets people love are the streets that we can safely live, work, play and move in. Vote for streets you’ll love this October!
Streets Alive Darebin has joined with over thirty five campaign members to support the Streets People Love campaign, supporting and promoting the efforts of local government to create safe and pleasant streets for people to live, work, play and move in. Campaign members are community and advocacy groups representing residents around Victoria.
We want streets that people love - safe and pleasant streets that enable people to live fulfilling lives while safely moving through their local communities. These streets have wide footpaths, trees, traffic calming, safe routes for people on bicycles, scooters and other mobility devices and 30 km/h zones.
They enable all residents to be a part of their local community, to allow their kids to walk or ride to school, to access local services and safely get to where they need to go.
We want election candidates to commit to delivering streets people love and to start by signing our pledge and taking our survey.
Are you a candidate for the upcoming local council elections?
Take the Local Council Candidate Survey & Pledge
Read Darebin scorecards so far
Council election candidate scorecards from one to five are generated from a combination of individual or party position on active transport issues, one of neutrality for new candidates (two to three), votes taken by current Councillors on active transport issues, responses to surveys, commitment to the pledge and feedback from campaign members in the local council area.
Submission to Darebin 2041 Community Vision
Streets Alive Darebin: Submission to Darebin 2041 Community Vision (August 2024)
We are a Darebin resident & ratepayer action group with a vision for thriving neighbourhoods where streets are used by people of all ages, irrespective of whether they choose to walk, cycle, use public transport or drive.
Streets Alive Darebin exists to advocate the Darebin of the future, that is fit for purpose for high-density living to accommodate future population growth and ensure that a more dense Darebin is a thriving one.
The current Community Vision reflects this priority in the statement, “Darebin is an equitable, vibrant and connected community.”
To achieve this, in its Community Vision 2041 and the follow-on strategic documents, Darebin City Council needs to prioritise infrastructure investment that focuses on the social, health and environmental benefits of living in the City of Darebin, including:
Attractive, safe and direct access to key amenities including shopping, healthcare, education and recreation that prioritises walking, cycling and rolling.
Public spaces that support social interaction outside of the home that are welcoming and sustainable, with appropriate infrastructure such as street furniture and lighting to support people of all ages and abilities to move freely and safely for the enjoyment of those who live, work and study in Darebin.
Provide safe and easy access to footpaths and cycleways that are well-connected through a strategically designed network, to provide easy access throughout Darebin for people of all ages and abilities.
Increase people’s connection with their local environment through trees and built environment.
We note the leadership that Darebin has shown in being the first Council to declare a Climate Emergency and that this is reflected in the current Community Vision. We agree that this should continue to be recognised and prioritised in the Community Vision 2041.
One way to achieve this part of the vision is to move towards zero-emissions transport, reducing congestion and dependence on cars. We consider that Darebin Council can act now to achieve this goal which should be broadly reflected in the 2041 Community Vision and detailed in the Council Plan and strategic documents that follow it.
We would be happy to discuss any aspect of our submission with Council.
Volunteer with Streets Alive Darebin
Volunteer with Streets Alive Darebin: we have a vision for thriving neighbourhoods where streets are used by people of all ages, irrespective of whether they choose to walk, cycle, use public transport or drive.
Follow our regular journal updates at, send a email and follow us on x, instagram, threads and mastodon
Response to Destination: High Street advocacy plan
Update: 20 June 2024: Great news this week about route 86 tram stop upgrades on High St! Darebin Council advocacy plan has been adopted
Darebin Council supports what we’ve been asking for - kerbside tram stops and increased signalised crossings. (See Item 5.2, Page 4, pdf file)
Make sure you complete the Route 86 upgrade consultation survey by 30 June 2024! Want to make a difference? Join us!
Streets Alive Darebin - Letter to Councillors: 16 June 2024
We are pleased to see that Council has developed an advocacy plan to ensure that the rollout of accessible tram stops throughout Northcote and Thornbury aligns with community values and Council strategic priorities. This plan reflects the concerns that community members have raised with us in recent years.
Streets Alive Darebin is wholly supportive of the Destination: High Street advocacy plan as outlined in the agenda papers (pdf file)for Monday 17 June special council meeting. In particular, the emphasis on kerbside tram stop designs demonstrates Council’s commitment to the safety of our most vulnerable road users – people who walk and wheel.
We urge you to vote in favour of the draft advocacy plan to demonstrate your commitment to the safety of people who walk, wheel and ride along and around High Street.
Council’s advocacy plan also emphasises the need for safety and connection for residents who ride bikes. This position is welcomed by Streets Alive Darebin, as it reflects the many submissions we have made in public consultations through Your Street Your Say and also budget submissions in recent years.
Support businesses with side street parking options
We note Council and community concerns around the loss of on-street parking and support Council’s position to ensure that parking is available to those who need it most.
We believe there is an opportunity to provide the parking that businesses and their patrons need – especially loading zones and disabled parking – in side streets near these new tram stops. This would enable delivery workers and people with mobility issues safe and easy access to the footpath. To support this approach, we encourage Council to invest in footpath upgrades on side streets to provide more kerb ramps to enable wheelchairs, prams and delivery trolleys to safely be wheeled from loading zones and disabled parking bays to their destination.
Placement of Kemp Street tram stop
There is an opportunity to retain the northern entrance to the Croxton Hotel car park and place the tram stop closer to businesses and homes near Darebin Road – by closing off the High Street entrance to Kemp Street. Kemp Street is a narrow street located in an area of High Street that is in need of more tree planting and public furniture to improve public amenity. Additionally, closing Kemp Street would provide an opportunity for PJs Mexican Restaurant and Croxton Hotel to have on-street dining spaces, and it would allow Council to develop a ‘pocket park’. We note that there has been a crash resulting in serious injury near this location in the last 5 years, and we believe that closing off Kemp Street could help reduce crashes.
Making signalised crossings more pedestrian-friendly
Destination: High Street advocacy plan should include a request for signalised pedestrian crossings to be more responsive to pedestrian traffic. Reducing pedestrian wait times will improve compliance with pedestrian signals, as people often lose patience and cross the road before the signal turns green. This behaviour undermines the hard work of parents and schools in teaching our children to wait for the green light.
Streets Alive Darebin notes that as a primary multi-modal street, High Street should prioritise access and connection for people who walk, wheel and ride, and that car traffic flow should not be a primary consideration in this tram route upgrade project.
Construction impacts
Road construction can have a significant impact on vulnerable road users, especially people who ride bikes. We request that Council advocates for safe routes to be provided around construction zones that do not require people who ride bikes to dismount and merge with pedestrians, or to merge into traffic – in particular merging into a tram lane presents unique safety risks when bicycle wheels get stuck in tram tracks.
We note that High Street is home to numerous and varied businesses, and also to hundreds of residents. We request that Council’s advocacy plan acknowledge the large number of apartment residents on High Street – an underrepresented yet growing group of residents in Darebin – in addition to the businesses who are likely to be impacted by construction activity. Residents in older apartment buildings without appropriate soundproofing will be adversely impacted, especially if night works are planned as part of the project. The needs of these residents needs to be acknowledged in Council’s advocacy plan and appropriate mitigation should be offered, including soundproofing improvements.
If you would like to discuss any aspect listed above, please get in touch with us.
Submission to Darebin Council’s Climate Emergency Plan 2024 -2030
Streets Alive Darebin: Submission to Darebin Council’s Climate Emergency Plan 2024 -2030 (pdf)
We are a Darebin resident & ratepayer action group with a vision for thriving neighbourhoods where streets are used by people of all ages, irrespective of whether they choose to walk, cycle, use public transport or drive.
Streets Alive Darebin exists to create the Darebin of the future, that is fit for purpose for high-density living to accommodate future population growth, centred around the concept of the 20-minute city. To achieve this, infrastructure investment should focus on social, health and environmental benefits of living in the City of Darebin, including:
Attractive, safe and direct access to key amenities including shopping, healthcare, education and recreation for that prioritises walking, cycling and rolling.
Public spaces that support social interaction outside of the home that are welcoming and sustainable, with appropriate infrastructure such as street furniture and lighting to support people of all ages and abilities to move freely and safely for the enjoyment of those who live, work and study in Darebin.
Provide safe and easy access to footpaths and cycleways that are wellconnected through a strategically designed network, to provide easy access throughout Darebin for people of all ages and abilities.
Increase people’s connection with their local environment through trees and built environment.
In response to the Draft Climate Emergency Plan 2024 – 2030 consultation we are supportive of the Plan and note the leadership that Darebin has played in being the first Council to declare a Climate Emergency.
We note that one of its goals is to move towards zero-emissions transport, reducing congestion and dependence on cars. We consider that Darebin Council can take act now to achieve this Goal through the following actions:
Accessible tram stops: Enable easy access to trams for users of all ages and abilities, including those using mobility aids as well as pushers & prams.
Separation - for safety: Separated bike lanes provide a safety buffer between parked cars and bicycle lane users, preventing cyclist deaths from dangerous 'dooring' crashes.
Wider footpaths: Provides an opportunity for re-planting this important economic and social corridor. Street trees provide shade, increase biodiversity and reduce onstreet temperatures on hot days.
Pedestrian friendly design: Traffic reduction and reallocation of on-street parking provides a more pedestrian-friendly streetscape.
Intersection safety: Intersections along High Street urgently need safety upgrades to prevent crashes and pedestrian deaths.
Specific comments on actions in the Climate Emergency Plan.
We note that the proposed solutions to reducing car dependence are articulated as: improved infrastructure for active and public transport, with Actions/Targets listed being:
By 2030, Darebin’s community has access to infrastructure and programs which make active and sustainable transport a real choice for people, resulting in fewer cars on roads and a transition to zeroemissions vehicles that reduces transport emissions by at least 45%.
What proportion of emissions reductions is due to modal shift and what to electric cars, could this be disaggregated? What are the actions that Council is proposing to take that will directly contribute to this emissions reduction? for example electric car uptake is mainly driven by Commonwealth and State governments whereas driving active transport choices primarily sits with Council.
2.4.1 Include a plan for achieving zero carbon mobility and access in the new Darebin Transport Strategy (to be developed after the current strategy sunsets in 2025).
A commitment to a new Darebin Transport Strategy is welcomed however an Strategy must be accompanied with an investment plan that prioritises capital works and education programs with a commitment to building the appropriate street and road infrastructure. This needs to include targets.
2.4.2 Continue to implement the Darebin Electric Vehicle Policy to facilitate the expansion of the electric vehicle network by partnering with the Northern Council Alliance to implement the Community Electric Vehicle Transition Plan for public car charging including facilitating the installation of 66 public electric vehicle chargers within Darebin.
Any on-street park charging plan and policy must not prevent future works that provide for pedestrian and bike riding infrastructure.
2.4.3 Advocate to the Victorian Government to give people real transport choices through increased funding for cycling and walking infrastructure and programs
Darebin Council can’t expect the Victorian Government to invest in active transport if it does not have a program of investment in key cycling routes its self. By abandoning its Streets for People plan that identified 8 designated sustainable transport corridors that traverse the municipality and its grid network (2 north-south aligned corridors and 6 aligned east-west corridors) it is unable to offer any strategic investment plan or advocacy vison to Victorian Government. How is Darebin intending to effectively advocate to the Victorian Government if it has not meaningful commitment in this space in order to leverage State action and/or funding?
improved access to electrified public transport, particularly for underserved communities, including an electric orbital bus route along the proposed Suburban Rail Loop corridor and extending the Number 11 tram to Reservoir Train Station.
What about DDA compliant tram stops for Route 86? The Victorian Government has not committed to fund these upgrades- this should be highlighted in the Plan and given visibility by Council in order to keep this potential investment on the Victorian Government and Council’s agenda.
2.2.1 Create a program that provides tailored household support and a financing mechanism to support electrification and renewable energy, with a target of engaging 1000 Darebin households per year.
We consider that Darebin’s award-winning solar saver program should be expended to include the purchase of e bikes. A pilot could be run in the first instance.
Darebin’s streets (within the confines of the road reserve) are more than ever befor under pressure to support private vehicle movements, alongside other mor environmentally sustainable modes of movement, in particular for cyclists an pedestrians – where conflicts can be serious.
Given the well acknowledged, climate, sustainability and health and well-being benefits of these ‘people powered’ modes of movement, Council needs to do more to accommodate them within the road reservation.
High Street, Thornbury and Northcote Route 86 Tram stop consultation now live
Help continue to shape plans for better tram stops along tram Route 86 in High Street, Thornbury and Northcote.
Have input on the new stop designs by filling in the survey and/or providing a submission here.
Streets Alive Darebin is seeking stops that are kerb extension platforms NOT island stops.
Island stops have the following disadvantages:
require two phases of pedestrian crossing signals to cross the road rather than one - this requires a longer crossing time for pedestrians and can result in j-walking (i.e. Westgarth island tram stop)
Provides for less safe bike riding environment as the bike lane sits in the car lane
Kerb extension platforms provide greater opportunities for footpath and streetscape improvements as the stops are built out from the curb - see the stop outside of the Northcote Social Club which has extended the footpath to provide greater seating and footpath activation.
We note that it is not clear from the design how a separated bike path along High Street will be accommodated from the concept designs. We also encourage you to turn up to the events!!!
Consultation closes on 30 June 2024.
Submission to Darebin Council’s Budget 2024 - 2025
We are a Darebin resident & ratepayer action group with a vision for thriving neighbourhoods where streets are used by people of all ages, irrespective of whether they choose to walk, cycle, use public transport or drive.
Streets Alive Darebin exists to create the Darebin of the future, that is fit for purpose for high-density living to accommodate future population growth, centred around the concept of the 20-minute city. To achieve this, infrastructure investment should focus on social, health and environmental benefits of living in the City of Darebin, including:
Attractive, safe and direct access to key amenities including shopping, healthcare, education and recreation that prioritises walking, cycling and rolling.
Public spaces that support social interaction outside of the home that are welcoming and sustainable, with appropriate infrastructure such as street furniture and lighting to support people of all ages and abilities to move freely and safely for the enjoyment of those who live, work and study in Darebin.
Provide safe and easy access to footpaths and cycleways that are well-connected through a strategically designed network, to provide easy access throughout Darebin for people of all ages and abilities.
Increase people’s connection with their local environment through trees and built environment.
In response to the Draft Darebin Budget 2024-2025 consultation, we note the leadership that Darebin has shown in being the first Council to declare a Climate Emergency.
We note that one of its goals is to move towards zero-emissions transport, reducing congestion and dependence on cars. We consider that Darebin Council can act now to achieve this goal through the following actions which should be reflected in its draft Budget:
Accessible tram stops: Enable easy access to trams for users of all ages and abilities, including those using mobility aids as well as pushers & prams.
Separation - for safety: Separated bike lanes provide a safety buffer between parked cars (or moving traffic) and bicycle lane users, preventing cyclist deaths from dangerous 'dooring' crashes.
Wider footpaths on High Street: Provides an opportunity for re-planting this important economic and social corridor. Street trees provide shade, increase biodiversity and reduce on-street temperatures on hot days.
Pedestrian friendly design: Traffic reduction and reallocation of on-street parking provides a more pedestrian-friendly streetscape.
Intersection safety: Intersections along High Street urgently need safety upgrades to prevent crashes and pedestrian deaths.
Specific comments on the Budget
We note that Darebin's sustainable transport expenditure has fallen below its forecast for the last 2 years. In 2022-23 Council spent only $219,000 on footpaths and cycleways from a forecast of $1.3 million. Expenditure is expected to increase to $3.1 million in 2023-24 against a forecast of $2.75 million, but there is still a shortfall of $73,000 in expenditure on footpaths and cycleways over the 2-year period 2022-24. What has been the cause of this and what is council doing to get this back on track?
Footpaths and cycleways budget since 2020-21:
The draft 2024-25 budget has reduced the proposed budget for footpaths and cycleways by $50,000 compared to what was forecast in last year's budget papers, while the forecast for roads has gone up from $4.5 million to $5.9 million. How does this reflect Council’s policies for giving people more options to walk, ride and scoot?
We note that the 'Footpaths and Cycleways' component of the budget encompasses all activities related to these assets. This includes maintenance and renewal, which appears to make up the significant majority of this budget.
Further, we note that the 'draft capital works program' document provides a breakdown of this amount, with $44,499 allocated for the new Kendall/Harding Bridge and a proposed $100,000 for Your Street Your Say Group B projects (as noted in the addendum). While we welcome the additional $100,000 being allocated to Your Street Your Say Group B, we are concerned this is woefully inadequate in the context of a capital works budget of $31 million and calls into question Council’s stated commitment to sustainable transport and transport mode shift.
Your Street Your Say combines safety initiatives for both residents who walk and residents who cycle, and yet there is no information about what funding is allocated specifically for residents who cycle out of its $3 million ‘footpaths and cycleways’ budget. Could Council be specific about what new cycleways it is committed to? Is Council committed to installing separated bike lanes on Cramer Street Preston, as per its Streets for People commitments, and also in line with community requests from Your Street Your Say Group A?
In considering pedestrian infrastructure we note that there are a couple of pedestrian improvement projects but these are also very small in number and add up to only about $575,000 for construction and $75,000 for designs.
For comparison, the City of Yarra is proposing to spend $1.46 million on cycling capital projects and $500,000 on walking capital projects, together with $770,000 for cycling infrastructure design and $110,000 on walking infrastructure. We are concerned that Darebin is falling behind neighbouring Councils on cycling and walking infrastructure.
Finally, we note that the 2024/25 budget allocation for footpaths and cycleways is less than half that allocated for roads, and that parks open space & streetscapes is less than one-fifth of the roads budget. Why is Council proposing to increase road funding while at the same time reducing footpaths & cycleways, and parks, open space & streetscape funding in the 2024/25 budget?
What could Council do?
We are calling upon Darebin Council, through its budget and through grants from the Victorian Government, to invest in safe separated bike lanes along High Street and reinstate the Streets for People investment program (see the Streets for People Report by the Hansen Partnership and Martyn Group 2018) to deliver safe cycling across Darebin. The Streets for People report lists the top eight cycling routes and steps to improve safety and connectivity for residents who ride.
Council also has a great opportunity to align its budget with the Victorian Government’s upgrades of the Route 86 tram stops. Separated bike lanes can be incorporated into the tram stop design and provide a safety buffer between parked cars and bicycle lane users, preventing cyclist deaths from dangerous "dooring" crashes.
Council could also prioritise spending on pedestrian crossings. What work is Council undertaking to assess the worst intersections for pedestrian safety and what does Council propose to address safety at these crossings? Council can work with the Department of Transport and Planning to improve pedestrian safety – particularly at intersections and crossing points near schools and shops.
Leveraging funding from the Victorian Government
Darebin Council can’t expect the Victorian Government to invest in active transport if it does not have a program of investment in key cycling routes itself. By abandoning the Streets for People plan that identified 8 designated sustainable transport corridors that traverse the municipality and its grid network (2 north-south aligned corridors and 6 aligned east-west corridors), Council is unable to offer any strategic investment plan or advocacy vision to the Victorian Government. How is Darebin intending to effectively advocate to the Victorian Government if it has not made a meaningful commitment in this space in order to leverage State action and/or funding?
Behaviour change programs
In Council’s draft Climate Emergency Plan it states that Council will:
2.2.1 Create a program that provides tailored household support and a financing mechanism to support electrification and renewable energy, with a target of engaging 1000 Darebin households per year.
We consider that Darebin’s award-winning solar saver program should be expanded to include the purchase of e-bikes. A pilot program could be run in the first instance. There is also an opportunity to provide more cargo bike parking at key locations in Darebin (cargo bikes need longer bike hoops) – such as outside schools, grocery stores, childcare centres and recreation centres.
Darebin’s streets (within the confines of the road reserve) are more than ever before under pressure to support private vehicle movements, alongside other more environmentally sustainable modes of movement where conflicts can be serious – in particular for residents who ride bikes and walk. Given the well-acknowledged climate, sustainability and health and wellbeing benefits of these ‘people powered’ modes of movement, Council needs to do more to accommodate them within the road reservation.
We would be happy to discuss any aspect of our submission with Council.
Streets Alive Darebin in the news
Dr Molly Hoak was recently interviewed for The Age article “The battle against the apps and algorithms driving suburban rat-runs’ (11 May 2024)
“Streets Alive Darebin member Dr Molly Hoak lives on Newcastle Road in Thornbury and said motorists often dashed past her home to avoid Bell and High streets.
“It makes the street feel less safe. We have a toddler and we’re really nervous about him playing in the front garden … and we have elderly neighbours who don’t go on walks often because the traffic moves so fast,” she said. “The noise is also an issue.”
Hoak said part of the problem was that the more navigation apps identified a route was used, the more likely it was to be suggested again.”
Inquiry into the impact of road safety behaviours on vulnerable road users
In August 2023 the Legislative Assembly Economy and Infrastructure Committee held public hearings into the ‘Inquiry into the impact of road safety behaviours on vulnerable road users’
Ruth Jelley and Dr Molly Hoak presented on behalf of Streets Alive Darebin at the inquiry.
Streets Alive Darebin: Submission 262 - Inquiry into the impact of road safety behaviours on vulnerable road users - May 2023
Hearings Transcript: Inquiry into the impact of road safety behaviours on vulnerable road users Melbourne -Tuesday 22 August 2023
Final Report: Inquiry into the impact of road safety behaviours on vulnerable road users - Wednesday 1 May 2024
Ruth Jelley, page three of the hearings transcript linked above
In summary, Streets Alive Darebin wants to see street designs that prioritise people and improve safety. As has been noted in this Inquiry, there has been a growth in the road toll this year and, as some of the previous presenters to this Inquiry have noted, it is not just the road toll but it is also the road trauma. Unfortunately I have my own unfortunate example of that just from a few months ago.
Our submission provides details about some of the local statistics of road trauma and injury in Darebin, and we would dearly like to reduce that, particularly reduce the risk, whether that is perceived risk and/or actual risk, of death and serious injury of vulnerable road users in Darebin streets.
Northcote Bike Ride for a Safer South Crescent
On the day: South Crescent ride departing All Nations Park
Listen back on YarraBUG Radio on 3CR: Making things better: talking advocacy with Ruth Jelley and Paul Baker, first interview (3.04 mark) Ruth discusses South Crescent issues after a Streets Live Darebin ride held on Saturday 23 March 2024
Join us for a community bike ride at 10am Saturday 23 March 2024 to show why people want to feel safe when riding along South Crescent (and why they don’t feel safe at the moment).
For too long, our safety concerns about South Crescent have been drowned out. It’s time for our voices to be heard as we call for safety improvements for people who ride bikes along South Crescent.
1. Ride for a safer South Crescent
WHEN: 10am, Saturday 23 March 2024
WHERE: Meet us at the BBQ area in All Nations Park next to the playground near Hopetoun Street.
WHAT: We will do a loop from All Nations Park down to South Crescent near Dennis train station, along South Crescent to Westgarth Street, and then over High Street and back to All Nations Park via the Northcote shimmy.
WHY: The latest round of Your Street, Your Say consultation (see below) is asking community members to provide feedback on suggestions to make South Crescent safer for people who ride bikes.
The more of us on this ride, the safer we will ALL feel
Even though dozens of community members have expressed safety concerns in previous rounds of public consultation, some Councillors refuse to listen to us and have pushed our safety so far down the priority list it may not even make it into the budget.
The original proposal of a modal filter has been dialled back and now the only safety improvement on offer is the removal of 3-4 parking spaces to improve sight lines.
Are you coming along to our ride or want to get involved? Please contact us!
If you think this is not good enough to keep people safe while riding bikes, join us on the ride and submit your feedback to Your Street Your Say (see below).
2. Sign the petition
A community member has started a petition: Support safe cycling and walking on South Crescent, Northcote
3. Your Street Your Say community feedback open now
Council is seeking community feedback on recommended priority locations in Alphington, Bundoora, Fairfield, Macleod, Northcote East or Thornbury East. Draft concept plans for changes such as pedestrian crossings, speed humps, bike lanes and reduced speed limits are now available for review on the Your Street, Your Say Group B website. Feedback and submissions close 14 April
Council wishes to know: do you support the proposed projects? Do you have any concerns, or ideas to improve the proposed projects?
Streets Alive Darebin will be providing a submission on this consultation and we encourage you to have your say on the proposed projects.
Visit Your Street Your Say to find out more about the plan and provide your feedback by 14 April 2024.
You will recall from our January newsletter that Council sought to rescind the December resolution to adopt the recommended Your Street Your Say Plan and seek community feedback, and instead voted at a Special Council meeting on 8 January to adopt an alternative list of projects put forward by Councillor Dimitriadis without community consultation.
This pushed safe cycling projects from top priority down to the bottom priority, once again proving that Darebin Councillors are willing to ignore community feedback and their own Council strategies that support sustainable transport.
Cycling on South Crescent
South Crescent in Northcote has become a discussion point again in 2024. During Darebin Council’s Your Street, Your Say Group B consultation period in late 2022, public feedback indicated that people wanted action and infrastructure to make South Crescent safer for people who ride bikes.
A brief overview
South Crescent runs alongside the Hurstbridge railway line from Dennis station to Westgarth station, at the southern end of Northcote. It presents a calmer east–west alternative for people who ride bikes than Westgarth Street, which has a speed limit of 60 km/h and supports bus routes to La Trobe University and Northland.
Pop-up bike lane
A pop-up bike lane was installed on the southern side of South Crescent (ie the west-bound side) in December 2020, and was supposed to be trailled until April 2021. During this time, Council noted a 22% increase in the number of people riding bikes along South Crescent. Council also noted an increase of 69% of ‘young people’, and surveys indicated that people who described themselves as ‘cautious’ bike riders were more likely to use the new bike lane.
However, the pop-up bike lane did not improve safety for people riding bikes eastward, and there were community concerns with car flow. So, Council voted in March 2021 to remove the pop-up bike lane and to conduct public consultation on installing a ‘No Standing’ section between Plant and Simpson streets.
Your Street, Your Say Group B feedback
During the public consultation period from November 2022 to January 2023, numerous people posted comments on Your Street, Your Say Group B interactive map requesting the return of the bike lane and/or removal of parking on the south side of South Crescent to ensure safer passage for people riding bikes. In total there were 8 comments relating to cycling issues added along South Crescent, with a total of 24 ‘upvotes’ by other participants.
Subsequently, council staff analysis proposed that South Crescent be prioritised for safety improvements, and proposed a modal filter to prevent cars travelling the full length of South Crescent while allowing bicycles all the way through. On 18 December 2023, Council voted to endorse the top 20 recommended projects, which included South Crescent.
An amendment was passed for two options for South Crescent to be presented for public consultation: the modal filter in the staff recommendation, and the removal of some on-street parking on the south side near Westgarth station. The Mayor used her casting vote to break the tie; a common practice in this term.
Following this meeting, Cr Dimitriadis called for a Special Council meeting to be held on 8 January 2024 where she put a rescission motion to reverse this decision. Rescission motions are not common at Darebin Council. In a further unusual step, Cr Dimitriadis proposed an amendment for YSYS Group B round 2 consultation in which she reordered the priority projects to solely focus on pedestrian crossings at school and childcare centre locations.
It is unusual for a Councillor to dismiss council staff analysis and set aside community voices to reprioritise road safety projects (except that, in this term we have regularly seen Councillors dismiss expert analysis by staff and vote for alternative proposals).
Cr Dimitriadis’s amendment to South Crescent proposed to consult the community on safety issues, but not to present a modal filter or parking removal as options to improve safety – completely dismissing community feedback from round 1 consultation and the analysis and proposals from council officers.
That particular element of the amendment was lost, while remaining elements were passed. Following a further amendment by Cr McCarthy, Council voted to consult the community on removing parking along the south side of the crescent near Westgarth station (ie the modal filter option was dismissed entirely). This marks Council’s return to its March 2021 position on South Crescent.
The reprioritisation of road safety projects in this way undermines community trust in council consultation processes. It sets a worrying precedent of Councillors overriding the will of the community. We hope that community voices will be heard more clearly during round 2 consultation, and that the community will have the opportunity to ask public questions and make public submissions when it comes time for Councillors to determine which projects will be funded.
What’s next for Your Street, Your Say Group B?
The reprioritised Your Street, Your Say Group B projects will now be presented for round 2 community consultation. Head to the YSYS website to subscribe for updates, so you will be alerted when the consultation opens.
Darebin street safety projects under threat
Update: 8 January 2024: Hi everyone, we were notified that our submission regarding the Your Street, Your Say rescission motion for tonight’s special Council meeting (See below) cannot be accepted due to the governance rules for special meetings.
“14.1. Community Submissions
(1) Members of the public may only address an Ordinary Meeting in accordance with the provisions of the Meeting Rules”
We are very disappointed that a matter relating to public consultation and how community concerns are dealt with is closed to public contributions.
However, you can still contact Councillors to express your support for safety improvements to support people to get around Darebin by bicycle. It’s important to contact these councillors to remind them that cyclist safety should not be ignored.
The following Councillors have voted against safe cycling projects in Darebin this term:
Councillor Lina Messina (whose Ward covers Newcastle St)
Councillor Emily Dimitriadis (who has put the rescission motion and alternative motion)
An update about the alternative motion for Your Street, Your Say Group B
Following our email and social media posts last week, Cr Emily Dimitriadis shared her motion via social media. The motion seeks to elevate priorities 7, 19, 20 and 14 to the top 4 priorities (raised pedestrian crossings near schools), removes South Crescent from the priorities list altogether. While this motion does retain safety features for Newcastle Street, it excludes the intersection at Dundas St, where council officers proposed investigating swapping the roundabout for traffic lights and installing bike lanes through the intersection.
In the meantime, tag us and Darebin Council (or Councillors directly) on social media (insta / xitter) to tell us about your experiences cycling around South Crescent or Newcastle/Dundas Street intersection!
4 January 2024: We have been alerted to a special council meeting to be held this Monday 8 January 2024, at which a rescission motion is proposed to reverse last month’s decision to support safety improvements along South Crescent in Northcote and Newcastle Street in Thornbury/South Preston.
We are calling on you to take action to support the next round of consultation to improve safety on these two local streets
Scroll down to What can we do? to see what action you can take right now or over the weekend!
A short history
Under the Your Street, Your Say program, consultation for Group B was undertaken in early 2023. After collating feedback, Council officers identified South Crescent and Newcastle Street as being areas of the highest concern
Council staff proposed a modal filter for South Crescent that would prevent cars driving the full length of the street, see above for photo of a existing modal filter in Stott Street, Thornbury
A ‘modal filter’ can safely separate cars and bicycles and work well on narrow residential streets, while also retaining on-street parking
An amendment was passed to propose removing some on-street parking along the curved section of South Crescent to allow more space for cars and bikes to travel safely in both directions near Westgarth station – and for both options to be taken to public consultation
A range of safety measures were proposed for Newcastle Street, including:
Wombat crossings at roundabouts
Speed control measures
Traffic lights with bike lanes through the Dundas Street intersection
These options should now proceed to a second round of consultation so that the community can provide feedback on the proposed safety improvements
If you want more details, you can read the reports at item 9.9 from the agenda papers for 18 December meeting, and view the minutes for item 9.9 to see the amended motion that passed by the Mayor’s casting vote
What happens if the motion is rescinded?
Rescinding the motion passed on 18 December creates an opening for an alternative motion to be put to Councillors. Such a motion has not yet been made public, and it’s unlikely the public will know what is in the motion before the meeting – it would be circulated only to Councillors prior to the meeting
Word on the street is that the essence of the alternative motion is to not make any upgrades to South Crescent or Newcastle Street
What can we do?
Write to Councillors to express your support for the next phase of consultation for Your Street, Your Say Group B.
Write to the Councillors who have been voting against safe cycling projects in Darebin this term:Councillor Lina Messina (whose Ward covers Newcastle St)
Councillor Emily Dimitriadis (who has put the rescission motion)
Submit a question (or three!) at public question time for this meeting on 8 January 2024. If you cannot attend the online meeting to ask the question yourself, it will be read out for you. Good questions to ask would be:
Is Council committed to following through on public consultation on community-backed safety improvements for South Crescent and Newcastle Street?
To date, Council has supported the community-backed safety projects proposed under Your Street Your Say for Reservoir West, Preston West and Thornbury West (Group A areas), so why is there a rescission motion on the agenda for tonight’s meeting that would ignore the community feedback for Northcote East, Fairfield West, Thornbury East and Bundoora/Macleod?
Make a submission to Monday’s special meeting to show your support for community consultation to proceed on the proposed Group B projects. You do have to attend the online meeting in order to make a submission, but you don’t have to send Council the submission ahead of time. Information about making submissions is available on the Council website. Key points to make would be:
The next phase of community consultation should proceed
The projects identified respond directly to the community’s safety concerns
Your personal experiences of using South Crescent or Newcastle Street for walking, cycling, getting kids to and from school, etc
Streets Alive Darebin will be making a submission to the Council meeting, to support further consultation so that the community can provide feedback on safety options along South Crescent and Newcastle Streets
Darebin Council reneges on parking policy
On 28 November 2023, Darebin City Council voted to expand eligibility for parking permits last night in a move that could make Darebin even more car-dependent than it already is. This was against the recommendations of the own Council's officers.
The policy now voted in (to be reviewed in a year) has got rid of a long-standing rule that incentivises developers to provide parking for residents, instead of using the street.
Our submission to Council was against parking permit policy that incentivises car use and creates a scarcity of parking for those that truly need to use cars for transport.
Read more
Darebin Council Agenda: 27 November: Page 111, 9.3 Darebin Parking Permit Policy 2023 For Adoption
Youtube: Darebin City Council | Ordinary Council Meeting - Monday 27 November 2023 6.00pm, Item 9.3 submissions and discussion begins at 2 hours, 53 minutes and 54 seconds
The Age, Time warp on parking permit rules divides inner-north council, Rachael Dexter, 28 November 2023
A contentious two-decade-old street parking rule has been overturned by an inner-north council against its own planning officers’ recommendation amid a wider debate on the future of car use and parking in suburban areas.
Darebin Council, which takes in Northcote, Preston and Reservoir, on Monday night narrowly voted in favour of allowing people in homes built after 2004 to apply for permits to park in on-street bays.
The move was opposed by residents’ group Streets Alive Darebin, whose spokeswoman Ruth Jelley addressed the meeting and later told this masthead the change would have “unintended consequences” such as creating parking scarcity and incentivising motor vehicle ownership over public transport or cycling.
“Lots of people now not eligible for parking permits will be eligible to apply,” she said. “People will find that permit zones will fill up quickly.”
Jelley said the move went against Darebin’s track record tackling climate change and would make streets more congested and “unlivable”. Council officers in the meeting also warned of a potential increase in congestion and high demand in certain areas.
Streets Alive Darebin: Darebin Parking Policy Submission
Streets Alive Darebin is a Darebin resident & ratepayer action group with a vision for thriving neighbourhoods where streets are used by people of all ages, irrespective of whether they choose to walk, cycle, use public transport or drive.
Streets Alive Darebin supports Option 1 put forward in the parking permit policy in tonight’s council papers, with the exception of the user-pays permits.
Options 2A and 2B directly contradict the goals under the current Council Plan, Transport Strategy for green, sustainable and liveable neighbourhoods – as well as Darebin’s leading stance on climate emergency.
Darebin was once a community leader in climate action for the benefit of all residents, and Streets Alive Darebin urges Councillors to hold firm to those leadership commitments.
As noted in the papers, options 2A and 2B will put greater pressure on Darebin’s permit-restricted parking zones, which are concentrated in the busy activity centres, around public transport and higher-density residential areas of the municipality.
Parking permit zones exist to ensure that a limited resource is distributed equitably among residents in a particular street. The system would be undermined if this Council voted to allow residents with additional means (as opposed to those with additional needs by way of disability or aged care support) to take up more than their fair share of the limited public space.
The goal of the policy as stated in the papers is to improve equity in the parking permit system, and the independent reviewer has noted that expanding eligibility contradicts the goals of the policy.
We urge Councillors to consider the basic principles of equity when considering item 9.3 this evening, including the usual meaning of ‘extenuating circumstances’, being those that are imposed upon people (such as in the case of disability or chronic illness – not the gifting of a vehicle by an employer).
Have your say on Route 86 Tram Corridor Planning
Important announcement! The Victorian government has opened up consultation for the building of new accessible tram stops along the 86 tram corridor, on High St in Northcote and Thornbury.
Route 86 Tram Corridor Planning: feedback closes 15 October 2023
Make sure to complete the survey and show your support for the project, while also urging the Department of Transport and Planning to take all street users into account by including safe crossings and protected bike lanes in the upgrades
Critical Mass North
Riding in Melbourne North shouldn’t be spooky but here we are
Critical Mass North: On the day!
Protest for safe bike lanes - Ride, scoot, skate
Critical Mass North: Spooky Edition: it's time to dress spooky, riding in Melbourne's north shouldn't be scary but here we are! We plan to ride from State Library to All Nations Park, Northcote.
Start: 5.30pm: State Library, Friday 27th October 2023
Pick up point: about 6pm (ish), Park Street Reserve, Fitzroy North
Riding from the southern suburbs? Ride with Port Phillip BUG, 5pm from St Kilda Town Hall
End: All Nations Park, Northcote
Co-hosted by Streets Alive Darebin, Streets Alive Yarra, and Yarra Bicycle Users Group
Download poster (pdf)
Keep Critical Mass fun + Advocacy Starter Kit (two leaflets per A4, double-sided pdf)
Critical Mass North: Spotify playlist bring your on-bike sound system!
Yarra Bicycle Users Group Radio on 3CR: Chris talks to Sally and Ruth from Streets Alive Darebin about Critical Mass North: Spooky Edition that calls upon Darebin Council and the Victorian Government to invest in safe separate bike lanes along High Street and re-instate the Streets for People investment program.
What is Critical Mass?
Critical Mass bike protests are organised rides that aim to raise awareness about cycling as a viable form of transportation and to advocate for better infrastructure and safety measures for cyclists and other mobility users.
We ride as a group, to form a "critical mass", making the ride safe, family friendly, and inclusive to all.
Take Action
Everyone can help make our streets safer, being an advocate is something everyone can do, read below for actions you can take today:
Streets Alive Yarra: Become a champion in your area
Build kerbside protected bike lanes on Johnston St from Kew to Carlton!
Yarra Council: Building a safer Wellington Street
Yarra Council: Testing improvements to Yarra’s cycling network
Yarra Council: Transport Action Plan
Our call - Support the Streets for People Report
We are calling upon Darebin Council and the Victorian Government to invest in safe separate bike lanes along High Street and re-instate the Streets for People investment program (Streets for People Report done by the Hansen Partnership and Martyn Group 2018 can be downloaded here) to deliver safe cycling across Darebin.
The Streets for People report lists the top 8 cycling routing and steps to improve safety and connectivity in Darebin. Below is draft email for you to send to Councillors – modify it to suit your experience.
Dear Darebin Councillors
It is now Council’s opportunity to make real improvements along High Streets and to lobby for the capital funding of the new accessible tram stops.
Council can leverage action by the Victorian Government to deliver in partnership the following improvements along High Street:
Accessible tram stops
Enable easy access to trams for users of all ages and abilities, including those using mobility aids as well as pushers & prams. Trams shelters design for shade and rain protection.
Separation - for safety
Separate bike lanes can be incorporated into the tram stop design. Separated bike lanes provide a safety buffer between parked cars and bicycle lane users, preventing cyclist deaths from dangerous 'dooring' crashes.
Wider footpaths along High Street
Provides an opportunity for re-planting this important economic and social corridor. Street trees provide shade, increase biodiversity and reduce on-street temperatures on hot days.
Pedestrian friendly design
Traffic reduction and reallocation of on-street parking provides a more pedestrian-friendly streetscape. Ensure that pedestrian can across at key points along High Street – there are a number of stops with no crossing and the new Tram stops provide council with the opportunity to ensure these are added in.
Intersection safety
Intersections along High Street urgently need safety upgrades to prevent crashes and pedestrian deaths. Council can work with DTP to improve pedestrian safety – particular at intersections and crossing point near schools and shops.
There have been 3 pedestrian deaths at Separation/High St in the last 10 years*.
Darebin councillors’ emails:
Cr Susan Rennie – South Central Ward:
Cr Lina Messina – Central Ward:
Cr Trent McCarthy – South West Ward:
Cr Tim Laurence – North East Ward:
Cr Tom Hannan – South Ward:
Cr Gaetano Greco - North West Ward:
Cr Emily Dimitriadis – South East Ward:
Cr Susanne Newton (Deputy Mayor) – West Ward:
Cr Julie Williams (Mayor) – North Central Ward:
New Tram Stops in Thornbury
The Victorian Department of Transport and Planning are preparing for public consultation on the new accessible tram stop designs for Thornbury later this year. High Street is one of the biggest local issues that Streets Alive Darebin hears from people about. It is a source of constant complaints about near misses and crashes with drivers.
High Street is surrounded by people, especially families, who use bicycles as part of their everyday trips. Local schools have very high active travel rates and yet it is rare to see these people, families especially, shopping or visiting High Street by bike.
Shopping strips like High Street rely overwhelmingly on locals for business, and this is reflected in how people currently get to High Street. High Street has parking behind the shops in Northcote, and opposite The Croxton Hotel and across from Psarakos as well as in and around the shops aside from on High Street itself. Safe separate bike lanes are needed along High Street Northcote through to Preston.
At the moment there are Victorian Government clearways during the morning and afternoon peak along High Street that make it a thoroughfare and dangerous for cyclists and pedestrians. The new tram stops provide the opportunity for these clearways to be removed and separated bike lanes to be installed.
Given the decline of in-store shopping there is an opportunity to futureproof High Street and ensure cyclists’ safety.
This Heart Foundation discussion paper 'Good for Busine$$, The benefits of making streets more walking and cycling friendly' provides case studies in making streets more walking and cycling friendly. These examples of street redesign have shown that safer and friendlier street environments create benefits for our community. One of the case studies in the report looks at Darebin High Street.
In 2008, Darebin City Council was considering installing accessible tram stops at several locations on High Street and conducted a survey. The aim of the survey was to gain an understanding of travel and shopping behaviours of visitors to the Northcote Shopping Precinct to assist in assessing the potential impact of a reduction in on-street parking resulting from the introduction of the tram stops.
The key findings of this research are that:
High Street visitors tend to walk or catch public transport, while visitors to Northcote Central and Plaza tend to drive to those centres,
High Street visitors are more willing to lose car parking spaces to accommodate streetscape improvements than visitors to Northcote Central or Plaza,
Visitors to Northcote Shopping Precinct place a higher level of importance on cleanliness and maintenance, pedestrian access and safety than business respondents who thought car parking was most important,
Business respondents tended to overestimate car-based travel and underestimate walking and public transport use amongst visitors to Northcote Shopping Precinct.
This study reaffirms in an Australian context the overemphasis placed on car travel and parking by business respondents compared to shoppers.
Streets Alive Darebin: Budget Submission 2023 at a glance
High Street Streetscape
Download Streets Alive: Darebin Budget Submission - Information sheet (pdf)
Accessible tram stops
Enable easy access to trams for users of all ages and abilities, including those using mobility aids as well as pushers & prams.
Separation - for safety
Separated bike lanes provide a safety buffer between parked cars and bicycle lane users, preventing cyclist deaths from dangerous 'dooring' crashes.
Wider footpaths
Provides an opportunity for re-planting this important economic and social corridor. Street trees provide shade, increase biodiversity and reduce on-street temperatures on hot days.
Pedestrian friendly design
Traffic reduction and reallocation of on-street parking provides a more pedestrian-friendly streetscape.
Intersection safety
Intersections along High Street urgently need safety upgrades to prevent crashes and pedestrian deaths.
There have been 3 pedestrian deaths at Separation/High St in the last 10 years*.