High Street, Thornbury and Northcote Route 86 Tram stop consultation now live

Help continue to shape plans for better tram stops along tram Route 86 in High Street, Thornbury and Northcote.

Have input on the new stop designs by filling in the survey and/or providing a submission here. 

Streets Alive Darebin is seeking stops that are kerb extension platforms NOT island stops.

Island stops have the following disadvantages: 

  • require two phases of pedestrian crossing signals to cross the road rather than one - this requires a longer crossing time for pedestrians and can result in j-walking (i.e. Westgarth island tram stop)

  • Provides for less safe bike riding environment as the bike lane sits in the car lane

Kerb extension platforms provide greater opportunities for footpath and streetscape improvements as the stops are built out from the curb - see the stop outside of the Northcote Social Club which has extended the footpath to provide greater seating and footpath activation.  

We note that it is not clear from the design how a separated bike path along High Street will be accommodated from the concept designs.  We also encourage you to turn up to the events!!!

Consultation closes on 30 June 2024.


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