South Crescent safety under threat - four things you can do!
Bicycle riders on South Crescent, Northcote
On Tuesday 28 January 2025, Darebin Council will (again) vote on street safety in South Crescent. Can you spare 5 minutes to show your support for the plan to make South Crescent safer?
Scroll down to the tips section below.
Discussions about safety on South Crescent in Northcote have been like a game of ping-pong since 2020. We wrote a detailed history about it in our blog in January 2024. Since then, Darebin Council voted to install a modal filter/vehicle barrier to make South Crescent a safer for cyclists and pedestrians.
The filter/barrier would stop cars driving through the most congested section of South Crescent, while allowing bicycles and scooters through. South Crescent safety was the most popular issue in Council’s survey on transport in Northcote and Alphington in 2023.
Preparations to install the filter are now well underway, according to the Officers' report for the 28 January Council meeting. But a December vote indicated that Labor and Independent Councillors (who hold a majority) are questioning whether to proceed. The data speaks loud and clear - that people support improvements to increase safety for people cycling on South Crescent.
During the 2020 pop-up separated bike lane trial, Council recorded 717 bikes and 1150 vehicles using South Crescent per day in February 2021, making this street a much-loved route for students going to Westgarth Primary and Northcote High schools, commuters on their way towards the city.
Overall, there was a 22% increase in the number of people riding bikes along South Crescent. The report also noted an increase of 69% of ‘young people’, and surveys indicated that people who described themselves as ‘cautious’ bike riders were more likely to use the new bike lane.
These numbers show that when safe cycling infrastructure is provided, more people use it - for travelling to school, work, and just to get around. This is why we've been campaigning to support this modal filter.
For the past year, Labor Councillors have been playing politics with our cycling safety. If Council backtracks on the June 2024 decision to proceed with the modal filter, they will be ignoring evidence from the community, a majority of whom support the filter.
Labor Councillors claim that the community survey results were ‘stacked’ by Greens party supporters. We need to show that Darebin residents deeply support cycling safety improvements and want the modal filter to go ahead.
Here is how you can show your support in only 5 minutes:
1. Contact your Councillors and tell them that South Crescent is an important walking and cycling route and that you want what Council promised to do unanimously last year: better safety for kids riding to Westgarth Primary and Northcote High School. Councillors contact details below.
Some things you could include:
That South Crescent is popular with cyclists and walkers alike. It's a key cycling route to the city, Northcote High and Westgarth Primary, as well as to Fairfield and Alphington. Lots of people walk their dogs or meet friends for a walk too. It could be a really pleasant and safe place in the heart of our community.
Cycling is not only a sustainable mode of transport but also a healthy lifestyle choice. Yet without proper infrastructure and safety measures in place, it can become a risk rather than a benefit.
The current design of South Crescent is, a safety hazard, with lots near misses for riders by cars speeding past too close
You support the option to install the modal filter on South Crescent AND explore safety options for Victoria Road AND explore what grants are available to improve safety around Thornbury High School. Safety for Thornbury High School families does not have to come at the expense of safety for Westgarth Primary and Northcote High School families.
2. Ask a question during public question time. You could ask:
Why is Council considering not proceeding with the South Crescent modal filter?
What action is Council taking to make sure that children riding to schools in Northcote can get there safely?
How is Council investing strategic cycling corridors?
3. Make a submission at the Council meeting. You can register to speak for 2 minutes (hybrid options available). Personal stories are the most compelling, such as:
why you love cycling in Darebin
why South Crescent is an important part of your route
why it's important for children to be able to ride to school
why Council needs to support people to choose to ride
4. Share the petition with your friends on social media.
Councilor contact details:
Cr Kristine Olaris OAM (Mayor) – Central Ward, Mobile: 0427 450 751
Cr Emily Dimitriadis (Deputy Mayor) – South East Ward, Mobile: 0437 918 708
Cr Matt Arturi – North East Ward, Mobile: 0417 294 158
Cr Connie Boglis OAM – West Ward. Mobile: 0427 938 376
Cr Gaetano Greco - North West Ward, Mobile: 0419 750 214
Cr Ruth Jelley – South Central Ward, Mobile: 0459 949 340
Cr Julie O'Brien – South Ward, Mobile: 0459 406 253
Email: Julie.O'
Cr Alexandra Sangster – South West Ward, Mobile: 0467 838 844
Cr Vasilios Tsalkos – North Central Ward, Mobile: 0461 389 079
5 minutes of your time today could make the difference.