Walking and Cycling in Darebin
Streets Alive Darebin seeks to create a cohesive, healthy and environmentally friendly community through people-centred lively and active streets.
Cycling in Darebin
Darebin Council voted at its June 2024 meeting to endorse a 12-month trial for a modal filter along South Crescent. Council has endorsed the following 8 top priority projects:
a. Install a trial solution along South Crescent near Mason Street to deter rat running traffic. If the trial is unsuccessful, remove all parking from the south side of South Crescent between Mason Street and Plant Street.
b. Investigate a separated bike lane on Dundas Street, between Victoria and Matisi Street.
c. Investigate options to improve road safety along Victoria Road between South Crescent and Separation Street (feasibility study), but not physically separated bike lanes.
d. Investigate options for separated bike lanes on Victoria Road, between Darebin Road and Separation Street (near Northcote Aquatic and Recreation Centre) and investigate further treatments to provide safe crossing for bicyclists near the entrance to the Northcote Aquatic and Recreation Centre.
e. Design and construct a signalised pedestrian crossing on Victoria Road, south of Clifton St (near the Northcote Aquatic and Recreation Centre).
f. Install a raised zebra crossing on Clarendon Street, east of High Street.
g. Install a raised zebra crossing on Newcastle Street, south of Young Street.
h. Install intersection traffic signals at Breavington Way.
Council also re-endorsed a further reduction in speed limit to 40km/h on local roads, and a trial 30km/h zone around activity centres and schools in the Group B area.
Please note that consultation for Your Street Your Say Group C (Reservoir East, Preston East, and Northcote West) will proceed as soon as practical in 2024/25, but after the caretaker period in late 2024.
Walking in Darebin
We'd like to hear from you about your top problematic areas for walking in Darebin.
Here is Darebin Council's walking plan for your information (opens as pdf), it provides a map of the principal pedestrian network.
It would be very useful to understand how Council is tracking against the targets and outcomes outlined on the last page. Given that Council does not report on progress against the strategy this is difficult.
Broadly the strategy seeks to achieve the following three goals:
Upgrade the walking network and enhance connectivity across the municipality
Improve community health, safety and equity of access by reducing barriers to walking
Increase the community’s awareness of walking opportunities and the benefits of walking
For some great resources when thinking about community and walking see the Victoria Walks resources page