Streets Alive Darebin in the news

Dr Molly Hoak was recently interviewed for The Age article “The battle against the apps and algorithms driving suburban rat-runs’ (11 May 2024)

Streets Alive Darebin member Dr Molly Hoak lives on Newcastle Road in Thornbury and said motorists often dashed past her home to avoid Bell and High streets.

“It makes the street feel less safe. We have a toddler and we’re really nervous about him playing in the front garden … and we have elderly neighbours who don’t go on walks often because the traffic moves so fast,” she said. “The noise is also an issue.”

Hoak said part of the problem was that the more navigation apps identified a route was used, the more likely it was to be suggested again.
— Dr Molly Hoak

Submission to Darebin Council’s Budget 2024 - 2025


Inquiry into the impact of road safety behaviours on vulnerable road users